Friday 22 March 2013

First blog post!

Hello guys, welcome to my blog. My first blog post has been a long coming but it's finally here! Hooray. So I thought my first post should be a bit about me, just so you guys can get to know me a little better and also a little insight as to what my blog will consist of. 

First and foremost, my name is Heba, if you're having trouble with the pronunciation, it rhymes with "Bieber". Repeat it a few times and you'll get the hang of it. I'm 18, I live in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, planet Earth. I am currently studying journalism in college and loving every minute of it. 

My passion is writing and photography, and I am hoping that this blog will help kick start my journalistic career. I've loved to read and write from a very young age, so be prepared for a lot of book reviews. Which takes me onto what my blog content will consist of. Mostly music, film, book, food/restaurant and tv show reviews. There will also be lots of stuff on all my favourite (and not so favourite) celebrities. Also any articles that I write, and i'll even give advice, I like to think I'm pretty good with that stuff (or so I've been told). 

I constantly get asked what my 'dream job' is, but in all honesty, I don't think I can give a straight answer. All I know, is that my lifelong dream is to be successful in what I do, travel the world, write, take amazing photographs and most importantly, be happy

I look to forward to writing more, and I hope you guys like my stuff. 

Love from, Me! 


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